Radjasouria Vinaygame (Storm)


After a paper acceptance in the workshop on Compiler-assisted Correctness Checking and Performance Optimization for HPC (C3PO), Radja will grace us with a presentation on his work before going back to Grenoble for another year.

Please join us on May 23 to learn more.


Radjasouria Vinaygame


Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 01:30 pm.


room Sophie Germain or online (Zoom link: https://u-bordeaux-fr.zoom.us/j/86167275449?pwd=bmdpREVnNC9ZSDJzV1lxOVdRdkdzUT09)


Static-Dynamic Analysis for Performance and Accuracy of Data Race Detection in MPI One-Sided Programs


To take advantage of asynchronous communication mechanisms provided by the recent platforms, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) proposes operations based on one-sided communications. These operations enable a better overlap of communications with computations. However, programmers must manage data consistency and synchronization to avoid data races, which may be a daunting task. In this paper, we propose three solutions to improve the performance and the accuracy of the data race detection in MPI one-sided programs. First, we present a new node-merging algorithm that takes into account non-adjacent memory accesses. Then, we use an alias analysis to reduce the number of load/store instrumented. Finally, we extend our analyses to manage synchronization routines. Our solutions have been implemented in PARCOACH, a MPI verification tool. Experiments on real-life applications show that our contributions lead to a better accuracy, a reduction of the memory usage by a factor up to 4 of the dynamic analysis and a reduction of the overhead at runtime at larger scale.