Mariza Ferro (UFF)

Hi everyone,

Mariza Ferro, associate professor at UFF (Brazil), will be arriving at Inria next week for a three-month visit.

She will be presenting a first seminar next week for us to get to know her research interests and help us find new ideas to collaborate on.

Please join us on December 19 to learn more.


Mariza Ferro


Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 02:00 pm.


room George Boole 2 or online (Zoom link


AI for Sustainability and the Sustainability of AI


The benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are visible in many domains and even help solve most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is evidence that AI can have a positive impact on most of the challenges to achieving the SDGs. On the other hand, there has been much debate on the negative impacts of AI on ethical and environmental issues. There is evidence that efforts to address climate change and environmental issues may have a negative impact due to the high energy needs of AI applications.

This seminar will present the research being developed by the professor with the aim of promoting the development and use of sustainable and ethical AI, seeking to ensure that humanity benefits from this technology and that these benefits are widely shared. Regarding the sustainability of AI, research on Green AI will be presented, involving software and hardware approaches and the development of metrics. For the AI for sustainability aspect, the focus will be on research on the prediction and understanding of extreme weather events, whose proposed approach is centered on Green AI.