Pablo de Oliveira Castro (UVSQ)


I bring news of our next talk! I am happy to inform you that our next talk will be presented by Pablo Oliveira from the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ). He will tell us all about Verificarlo.

Feel free to join us on April 15 (Friday) at 11 am in room George Boole 2 or online.


Pablo de Oliveira Castro, MdC @ UVSQ


Friday, April 15, 2022 at 11 am.


room George Boole 2 or online


Verificarlo - Debugging and optimizing floating point operations


Large-scale numerical simulation often requires trade-offs between performance and numerical accuracy. Verificarlo ( provides an estimate of numerical precision across different floating-point arithmetic models. It also estimates the impact of mixed precision and simulates custom floating-point formats.

Verificarlo is mainly based on Monte Carlo arithmetic where the computational operators are noisy in a stochastic way to model rounding or cancellation errors. The tool instruments the code at compile time through various specific LLVM runs. Verificarlo has been used to analyze and optimize the numerical quality of several simulation codes in various fields such as fluid dynamics, quantum Monte Carlo methods, or neuroimaging.